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“PowerBox – Fonte de Energia em Polímero de Grafite”

PowerBox: Fonte de Energia Autoalimentável

A PowerBox é um tipo de fonte de energia autoalimentável, ou seja, ela não precisa ser carregada através de outros dispositivos, como é o caso de painéis solares ou turbinas eólicas. Desenvolvido em um padrão de 19 polegadas para racking, a PowerBox é vista como um bloco de construção para fornecer energia elétrica, assim como os servidores de computador em centros de processamento de dados.


A PowerBox possui algumas vantagens frente às fontes de energia convencionais:

  • Não necessita de outra fonte de energia para operar, como luz solar ou fonte de energia mecânica;
  • Pode ser utilizada como uma fonte de energia suplementar em áreas remotas ou fora da rede elétrica tradicional;
  • É facilmente expansível, adicionar mais unidades à PowerBox permite o aumento da capacidade de energia elétrica.


No entanto, a PowerBox também apresenta algumas desvantagens:

  • Ainda é um protótipo e não está disponível para vendas;
  • A capacidade da PowerBox é limitada e não pode fornecer energia elétrica por um longo período de tempo;
  • O preço é desconhecido e pode ser alto em comparação com outras fontes de energia convencionais.

Como funciona?

As células da PowerBox são feitas de um composto conhecido como células de bateria de grafite polimérica e combinam dois blocos de 12 células em paralelo. Esses blocos são então conectados em série, fornecendo energia elétrica suficiente para carregar um capacitor de ultra capacidade de 2,85 Maxwell. Essa capacidade é suficiente para suportar um dispositivo que exige energia elétrica e manter o capacitor carregado. A PowerBox é construída como um bloco de construção e não requer nenhuma outra fonte de energia para operar, tornando-a muito útil em áreas remotas ou fora da rede elétrica tradicional.


Em resumo, a PowerBox é um produto inovador com grande potencial para fornecer energia elétrica em áreas remotas e fora da rede elétrica convencional. Embora ainda seja um protótipo, a PowerBox fornece a possibilidade de fácil expansão, o que a torna uma opção viável para muitas aplicações.

<!– I started developing this product a year ago with the intent of creating a self-sustaining power supply one that doesn't require you to plug it in or charge it with any other device not wind solar hydro I put everything in this standard 19-inch rack mount box because I look at this as a building block much like the computer servers that have this form factor in data processing centers as a power producing building block you simply add more units in the rack until you achieve your goal now I'm gonna show you really quickly just a couple of Things here and then I'm going to open the top and explain everything to you and show you how it works but right here you can see I've added a couple of USB ports to to this device now again I want to be right up front with you and let You know that this is a prototype these are not available for sale at least not yet so anyway I put these two USBs you just hit this little switch here and the LEDs light up let you know that it's powered up the red one here indicates That the the two USB ports are live and then you got phone or tablet or or whatever you want to use these for just plug it in and charge it up or if you got one of these cheap little USB testers you can you can plug other Devices into it and see what kind of power it's demanding it tells you the volts tells you the amps and just plug anything in this is just a little light anyway that that's just a little gimme and it doesn't really need that because the most important thing we just remove This is in the backside now I haven't screwed the lid down so that's why everything looks a little bit loose here but there's a couple of binding posts here I've got it fused for 20 amps though the internal can go can deliver much more than that but I just want to Keep it safe you just unscrew these and and put a standard cable battery type cable like this one here and just attach that to it and then attach these from one to the next in parallel series or whatever kind of output that you're looking for So that's that let's open it up okay I will give you just a quick overview on the simplest device there could be this thing really only consists of two parts these are graphite polymer cells they are in this black heat shrink this big industrial heat sink there's two blocks Of these each each block and they set on top of each other each block is has 12 cells in it and they're all connected in parallel and then the block underneath same thing in parallel and then those two blocks are connected in series so it gives you a little higher voltage but Plenty of current and this is a two point eight five Maxwell super cap or ultra cap this is this is a close-up on it these monsters are are pretty powerful spec sheet on this says that of course it will last for a million cycles of course there isn't a Lithium battery on the planet that can do more than several thousand and I'll probably outlive me and most of the people watching this video but 3400 farad's in just this one three of these things in parallel you can have over 10,000 fare is pretty amazing the reason That the posts are so big is because they can also output 2,000 amps every time you cycle this thing for a million cycles suffle that's a spec sheet from Maxwell it says that if you short-circuit this thing it'll produce up to 10,000 amps so you know not trying to do product placement I'm just impressed with the product it's good company good products and so they make sense to me so I use them says here that it's 3.8 4 watt hours it's actually closer to 4 and I usually like to hold these this size up to about 2.9 maybe Even to 0.95 3 volts is the maximum so and you do what you want so this is an electric a long-term electrochemical device okay and it's entire function a job in life is just to keep that cap charged now naturally it's not going to keep up with as fast as you could drain This thing you could drain it in a few seconds if you if you so desired of course you'd have to change the fuse I've only got a fuse for 20 amps so anyway man I did that for safety's sake too you can understand why now but anyway that's that's their whole job is Just to keep that thing charged and so so this is the source of energy and this is the delivery point that's it just a and B done these over here are just extra parts the the two USB ports and some wire is the binding posts that you See back here I'll turn it to the side I'll turn it to this n view so you can see the cells and I'll go into greater detail on these cells how they're made here's an in view of the cells I know this kind of looks like a mess in here But it's nothing but reflection from the shiny black heat shrink so ignore that but anyway I don't know if you can see it very well because it's pretty dark in there but but there's 12 cells and in fact I can I can show you right here you Can see where they separate okay these twelve cells on top are in parallel again and the twelve cells on the bottom are also in parallel and then they're connected in series right here and then here's the output that goes up to the cap the last part of this video that Some of you have been waiting for begs the question what are these cells made of and now I'm going to explain to you what they're made of I told you that the cells were made a year ago and they've been sitting on the shelf until I could Get back to this project at a really good year with the Q beta program and thanks to many here in the US and many abroad that have helped support that program and that helps us accelerate and go into these other parts as well as advance the systems that we have Developed but the so a year ago before I made these cells I made these prototypes and here's one of the prototypes and that's if you can see this maybe I can zoom out a little bit and bring it closer let it focus okay so this is a Graphite polymer cell and this is the graphite polymer plate on this side the active area is one inch by two inches and the the thickness of this in mil meters there you go you can see that the thickness is 0.4 millimeters so it's very very thin okay on this side this is The…

É com imensa tristeza que recebi a notícia do falecimento de Mike. Em um tempo de luto tão difícil, quero expressar minha mais sincera empatia e conforto para sua esposa, família, amigos e todos aqueles que foram impactados por essa terrível perda.

Mike era uma pessoa excepcional, dedicada a ajudar os outros a encontrarem seu caminho e alcançar seu potencial máximo. Sua paixão pelo desenvolvimento pessoal era evidente em seus kits únicos de transformação pessoal, que ajudaram inúmeras pessoas a superar desafios e alcançar objetivos pessoais e profissionais.

Seu legado é realmente inspirador e, sem dúvida, continuará a beneficiar a humanidade por muitos anos. É uma perda enorme para a comunidade de empreendedores e desenvolvimento pessoal.

Embora seja difícil encontrar palavras nesta hora tão difícil, espero que todos possamos encontrar conforto na memória de Mike e em sua obra. Que sua tecnologia continue a mudar vidas e inspirar as pessoas a fazerem a diferença no mundo.

Meus pensamentos e orações estão com todos aqueles que foram afetados por sua morte. Que possamos todos valorizar a vida e os relacionamentos que temos enquanto estamos aqui. Descanse em paz, Mike.

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