Thermogalvanic Semiconductive Silicon Crystal Graphite Power Cell – Battery
A Thermogalvanic Semiconductive Silicon Crystal Graphite Power Cell, also known as a battery, has been developed that is capable of generating electricity without recharging. This device contains a semiconductor crystal between two thin sheets, which is sensitive to temperature changes that generate electrical energy.
The Technology of The Battery
The technology behind this battery is based on a thermal galvanic semiconductive device, which has unique properties that make it different from traditional crystal cell-type batteries. The number of free charge carriers in the crystal increases with temperature and generates power, even with minor temperature changes. The power output of this battery is continuous due to the constant temperature changes in the environment, and it can power various devices without relying on solar or wind technologies.
Advantages and Disadvantages
The main advantage of this type of semiconductive battery is that it doesn't rely on external power sources, making it a cost-effective energy solution with low maintenance costs. The device can produce continuous power output and is reliable even in cold temperatures, which would affect other battery types. However, it has a relatively low power output compared to larger batteries and is not suitable for industrial or high-demand applications, making it better suited for small-scale use in portable devices.
The Future for These Batteries
The inventor of the Thermogalvanic Semiconductive Silicon Crystal Graphite Power Cell has a provisional patent on the design and is working toward a utility patent. The inventor is currently looking for applications where these batteries could be used, such as in quantum magnetics machines or as a backup power source for small devices.
The Thermogalvanic Semiconductive Silicon Crystal Graphite Power Cell is a promising development in battery technology which has unique properties that make it different from traditional battery types. While it has limitations on power output, it has the potential to provide cost-effective and reliable energy solutions for small-scale applications, making it a feasible alternative to traditional battery types.
Transcription of Video
“I put this one together as kind of a demonstrator it's just I was primarily looking for something that would test the cell's durability longevity and so forth all that all the cells are the same I mean they're just you know they're they're very thin and they've got the semi conductive crystal in between it's a thermal galvanic semiconductive device I do have a provisional patent on this so far and which I will finish up and get the utility patent this year so I what I've done is I've mounted this double pendulum motor on here it's been running for a little over a month but I had to put this potentiometer on here because even though you know this draws some power this this produces more power than than this really needs it's six inches square and really I needed something that was just kind of the size of the base of this thing or maybe two inches square just something small and you can see if I if I reduce the resistance and the potentiometer you hear it going click-click click-click sounds kind of like a clock.”
É com grande tristeza que recebemos a notícia sobre o falecimento de Mike, em abril de 2021. Queremos expressar nossas mais profundas condolências à sua esposa, família e todos aqueles que foram afetados por essa perda tão grande. Mike deixou uma enorme contribuição para a humanidade, educando e inspirando outras pessoas com seus kits únicos de transformação pessoal. Ele deixa um legado incrível que será lembrado por muitos anos. Neste momento de dor, não há palavras que possam expressar o quanto sentimos por essa perda. Mas queremos enfatizar a importância de honrar sua memória, celebrando suas realizações e nos inspirando com sua tecnologia. Que sua tecnologia continue beneficiando a humanidade e que sua mensagem de transformação pessoal possa ser difundida e aplicada em todo o mundo. Sabemos que a ausência de Mike será sentida profundamente, mas sua mensagem e legado viverão para sempre. Nossa sincera solidariedade e empatia para a família, que encontra-se afogada em lágrimas nesse tempo difícil, que possam encontrar consolo nas boas lembranças no tempo de afeto e cuidado. Nunca esqueçam que o amor é eterno e a vida é um ciclo, onde a morte faz parte, mas a lembrança e a gratidão pelos momentos vividos são imensuráveis.
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